With the snap of a button…In Fourteen, a lifestyle was Born. Wovenfree.
But before that could be possible, there had to be a fateful rediscovery. And there was. Vintage Jacquard. Deep-rooted patterns, rich colors & layered textures weave our soulful story of inspiration.
…down along the road to a place where life becomes more revealing. The journey of our collective spirit. Pausing at the intersection between belief and mystique. On to a destination where we only feel. A conscious bliss sparked by a colorful geometric focus. Satisfied curiosity. A place to setup camp. Symmetry. Home.
Our first offering is a limited edition Jacquard bracelet. Consciously crafted in Los Angeles, Cal using vintage materials wherever possible. Each bracelet is carefully sewn with pride. Being Built in the USA matters to all of us, together. Wovenfree holds that line. Made here at home.
Inspire us. Setup camp with us. Stay tuned for what’s next…